Page 118 - Gaylord Blue Book 2021
P. 118

Codes and Standards                                    1.4   Quality Control
                                                                       1.4.1     Manufacturer: The Restaurant Fire Suppression
            The PIRANHA hybrid wet agent system and its compon-
            ents meet the following codes, standards and recommended          System shall be manufactured by a company with
                                                                              over fifty years experience in the design and manu-
            practices:                                                        facture of pre-engineered fire suppression systems.
            n  UL/ULC Listed                                                  The manufacturer shall be ISO 9001 registered.
            n  CE Marked                                               1.4.2     Certificates: The wet agent shall be a specially
            n  LPCB                                                           formulated, aqueous solution of inorganic salts
                                                                              with a pH range between 9.5 – 10.5, designed for
            n  ASSE                                                           rapid flame knockdown and securement of grease-
            n  IAPMO                                                          related fires, and specifically constituted to provide
                                                                              continuous evolution of foam when sprayed with
            n  Meets requirements of NFPA 17A (Standard on Wet Chemical       water.
              Extinguishing Systems)
            n   Meets requirements of NFPA 96 (Standard for Ventilation   1.5   Warranty, Disclaimer, and Limitations
              Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking        1.5.1     The pre-engineered restaurant fire suppression
              Equipment)                                                      system components shall be warranted for five
                                                                              years from date of delivery against defects in work-
                                                                              manship and materials. Any purchased compo-
            Ordering Information                                              nents, such as electric gas valves, reset relays,
                                                                              solenoids, pressure relief valves, regulators, elec-
            Order all system components through your local authorized         tric switches, etc. shall be warranted for one year
            ANSUL Distributor.                                                from date of purchase.
                                                                   1.6   Delivery
            Specifications                                             1.6.1     Packaging: All system components shall be
                                                                              securely packaged to provide protection during
            An ANSUL PIRANHA Fire Suppression System shall be                 shipment.
            furnished. The system shall be capable of protecting hazard
            areas associated with cooking equipment.               1.7   Environmental Conditions
                                                                       1.7.1       The system shall be capable of operating in a
            1.0  GENERAL                                                      temperature range of 32 °F to 130 °F (0 °C to 54 °C).
            1.1  References
                                                                   2.0  PRODUCT
               1.1.1   Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL)
             UL Standard 300                      2.1   Manufacturer
               1.1.2   Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC)       2.1.1     Johnson Controls, One Stanton Street, Marinette,
                                                                              Wisconsin 54143-2542,
               1.1.3   National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)            Telephone (715) 735-7411
             NFPA 96
             NFPA 17A                             2.2   Components
               1.1.4     International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical      2.2.1     The basic system shall consist of a regulated
                    Officials (IAPMO)                                         release assembly which includes a regulated
             PS 108-98                                       release mechanism, stainless steel enclosure, anti-
                                                                              siphon vacuum breaker (domestic and sprinkler
            1.2   Submittals                                                  water supply option only), and water flow valve
               1.2.1   Submit two sets of manufacturer’s data sheets.         (domestic and sprinkler water supply option only).
                                                                              The agent storage tank is purchased separately and
               1.2.2   Submit two sets of piping design drawings              shall be mounted within the enclosure.
            1.3   System Description                                           Nozzles, blow-off caps, detectors, cartridges, agent,
               1.3.1     The system shall be an automatic fire suppression    fusible links, and pulley elbows shall be supplied
                    system using a dual agent concept; wet chemical           in  separate packages in quantities needed for fire
                    agent and water for grease-related fires.                 suppression system arrangements. Additional
                                                                              equipment shall include remote manual pull
               1.3.2    The system shall be approved for uniform,             station, mechanical and electrical gas valves and
                    overlapping appliance protection.                           electrical switches for automatic equipment and
               1.3.3     The system shall be capable of suppressing fires     gas line shut-off.
                    in the following areas associated with cooking      2.2.2     Wet Chemical Agent: The fire suppressant shall
                    equipment: ventilating equipment including hoods,         be a specially formulated, aqueous solution of
                    ducts, plenums, and filters; fryers, griddles and range   inorganic salts with a pH range between 9.5 – 10.5,
                    tops; upright, natural charcoal, or chain-type broilers;   designed for rapid flame knockdown and secure-
                    electric, lava rock, mesquite or gas-radiant char-        ment of grease-related fires.
                    broilers; woks.
                                                                       2.2.3     Agent Tank: The agent tank shall be installed
               1.3.4    The system shall be the pre-engineered type having    in a stainless steel enclosure. The tank shall be
                    minimum and maximum guidelines established                constructed of stainless steel. Tanks shall be avail-
                    by the manufacturer and listed by Underwriters            able in three sizes; 1.5 gal (5.7 L), 2.25 gal (8.5 L),
                    Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and Underwriters Laboratories     and 3.0 gal (11.4 L). The tanks shall have a working
                    of Canada (ULC).                                          pressure of 150 psi (10.3 bar), a test  pressure of
               1.3.5    The system shall be installed and serviced by         450 psi (31.0 bar), and a minimum burst pres-
                    personnel trained by the manufacturer.                    sure of 900 psi (62.1 bar). The tank shall include
                                                                              an adaptor/tube assembly containing a burst disc
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