Page 117 - Gaylord Blue Book 2021
P. 117
System Description (Continued) by a fusible link detection system and remote manual actuation
by a mechanical pull station.
A system owner’s guide is available containing basic informa-
tion pertaining to system operation and maintenance. A detailed The regulated release mechanism contains a release assembly,
technical manual is also available including system description, regulator, and expellant gas hose in a stainless steel enclo-
design, installation, recharge, and maintenance procedures, plus sure with cover. The enclosure contains knock-outs for 1/2
additional equipment installation and resetting instructions. in. conduit. The cover contains an opening for a visual status
indicator. The regulated release assembly also contains an
The system is installed and serviced by authorized ANSUL anti-siphon vacuum breaker which is designed to prevent back-
distributors that are trained by the manufacturer. siphonage of possible contaminated water into a potable water
The basic system consists of an AUTOMAN regulated release
assembly which includes a regulated release mechanism and The regulated release mechanism is compatible with mechanical
a wet chemical storage tank housed within a single enclosure. gas shut-off devices or, when equipped with a field or factory
The tank valve is designed to allow the wet chemical agent to installed switch, compatible with electric gas valve appliance
discharge onto the hazard area first. shut-off devices.
Immediately following the agent discharge, the valve will auto- Regulated Actuator Assembly
matically allow the water to flow through the piping and out When more than one tank(s) is required for the application, a
the system nozzles. Nozzle blow-off caps, detectors, cartridges, regulated actuator(s) is available to provide expellant gas for
agent, fusible links, and pulley elbows are supplied in sepa- the additional tank(s). It contains a regulator dead set at 150
rate packages in the quantities needed for the fire suppression psi (10.3 bar) with an external relief of approximately 180 psi
system arrangement. (12.4 bar). It has automatic actuation capabilities using pressure
from the regulated release mechanism cartridge.
Additional equipment includes remote manual pull station, The regulated actuator assembly contains an actuator, regulator,
mechanical and electrical gas valves, and electrical switches for expellant gas hose, and agent tank housed in a stainless steel
automatic equipment and gas line shut-off. Accessories can be enclosure with cover. The enclosure contains knockouts to
added such as warning lights, etc., to install where required. permit installation of the expellant gas line.
The water supply piping includes a lockable valve (for domestic Discharge Nozzles
and sprinkler water supply only). Four types of discharge nozzles are tested with the PIRANHA
Each tank is limited to a listed maximum number of nozzles. system for all applications. The P34 and P41 nozzle types are
used for overlapping, high proximity appliance protection. The
AP type is used for medium proximity appliance and plenum
Component Description protection, and the DL type is used for all duct protection and
low proximity appliance protection. Each nozzle has a metal
blow-off cap to keep the nozzle tip orifice free of cooking grease
Wet Chemical Agent build-up.
The PRX agent is a specially-formulated, aqueous solution of
inorganic salts designed for rapid flame knockdown and foam Water Shutdown Device
securement of grease-related fires. It is available in 5.0 gal (18.9 The water shutdown device is an optional component which
L) plastic containers with instructions for wet chemical handling can be field installed in the AUTOMAN release. With the
and usage. device installed, the water flow to the discharge nozzles will
automatically shut down approximately 10 minutes after system
Agent Tank actuation.
The agent tank is constructed of stainless steel and is installed
in a stainless steel enclosure. Agent Distribution Hose
Kitchen appliances manufactured with or resting on casters
Tanks are available in three sizes: (wheels/rollers) may include an agent distribution hose as a
PIRANHA-7: 1.5 gal (5.7 L) capacity component of the suppression system. This allows the appliance
PIRANHA-10: 2.25 gal (8.5 L) capacity to be moved for cleaning purposes without disconnecting
the appliance fire suppression protection. The hose assembly
PIRANHA-13: 3.0 gal (11.4 L) capacity includes a restraining cable kit to limit the appliance movement
within the range (length) of the flexible hose.
Each tank has a working pressure of 150 psi (10.3 bar), a test
pressure of 450 psi (31.0 bar), and a minimum burst pressure of Flexible Conduit
900 psi (62.1 bar). Flexible conduit allows for quicker pull station and/or mechani-
The tank includes an adaptor/tube assembly. The adaptor cal gas valve installations and the convenience of being able
is chrome-plated steel with 1/4 in. NPT female low pressure to route the cable over, under, and around obstacles. Flexible
gas inlet port and a 3/8 in. NPT female agent outlet port. The conduit can be used as a substitute for standard EMT conduit or
adaptor also contains a bursting disc seal which prevents the can be used with EMT conduit.
siphoning of agent up the pipe during extreme temperature Flexible conduit can be used only with the Molded Remote
variations. Manual Pull Station.
Connected to the adaptor/tube assembly is the water flow valve. Pull Station Assembly
This valve is designed to allow the wet chemical agent to flow The remote manual pull station is made of a molded red
first, and then the valve will automatically switch internally composite material. The red color makes the pull station more
to allow the water to start flowing, thus increasing the foam readily identifiable as the manual means for fire suppression
blanket and providing additional cooling. system operation. The pull station is designed with a pull handle
AUTOMAN Regulated Release Mechanism to allow for three-finger operation, and includes a built-in guard
The regulated release mechanism is a spring-loaded, mechani- to protect the pull handle.
cal/pneumatic type capable of providing the expellant gas The pull station is compatible with the ANSUL Flexible Conduit
supply to the agent tank. It contains a factory installed regulator and 1/2 in. EMT conduit.
deadset at 150 psi (10.3 bar) with an internal relief of approxi-
mately 190 psi (13.1 bar). It has automatic actuation capabilities